Quelle: "Bistum Aachen"
Papst Franziskus hat einem wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs verurteilten Priester des Bistums Aachen den Priesterstatus aberkannt. Der Papst bekräftige damit seine Null-Toleranz-Haltung in der katholischen Kirche bei erwiesenen Missbrauchsfällen, teilte das Bistum Aachen am Mittwoch mit.
Der 58-Jährige, der in Haft sitzt, darf demnach keine priesterlichen Handlungen mehr ausüben und bekommt auch keine Bezüge von der Kirche.
Der Priester war 2015 vom Landgericht Krefeld wegen schweren sexuellen Missbrauchs, Kindesmissbrauchs und Missbrauchs von Schutzbefohlenen zu sechs Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Das Gericht sah 25 Taten als erwiesen an.
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Quelle: 08.04.2013, "The New Age". Die Zeitung schrieb "'sex protector' in town" und bezog sich damals auch auf Bischof Ackermann, der zu Besuch in Südafrika war. Der Artikel ist nicht mehr online. Nachfolgend der Original-Text aus dem damaligen Presseartikel:
"A German Catholic bishop who has been accused of refusing to actively pursue investigations into reports of sexual abuses by priests in his home town will be meeting with president of the South African Bishops Conference Stephen Brislin in Cape Town on Tuesday.
The Bishop of Trier and the spokesperson for sexual abuses for the German Catholic Bishops Conference, Stephan Ackermann, landed in the country a few days ago. He has been criticised in Germany for his perceived leniency towards priests on the Saar River accused of paedophilia and the sexual abuse of children.
His visit comes after the arrest of German cleric Georg Kerkhoff who is on trial for allegedly molesting several children during a church outing in Johannesburg five years ago.
Kerkhoff slipped into South Africa to work with children at a Catholic church in Randburg despite facing numerous allegations of him molesting children in Europe. He is living in Cape Town after being suspended, pending the outcome of his trial.
A church source told The New Age on Sunday Ackermann had been in contact with a priest in Cape Town who has been monitoring developments around Kerkhoff’s case here, and was likely to meet Kerkhoff.
But Brislin said Ackermann had come to oversee “German projects” saying: “He is on a visit. I don’t think it has anything to do with the Kerkhoff case.”
Ackermann was quoted in German media saying: “There is no Guantanamo for church offenders. Their limited deployment under certain conditions is possible.” Teddy Bear Clinic’s Dr Shaheda Omar expressed hope Ackermann and the German church would ensure Kerkhoff returns to face his allegations without any protection.
“He needs to face the consequences. He is being shielded by the church. That is my professional opinion. The church has come to his rescue. Check the funding since the matter went to court. Where would he have access to legal funding?
“The church needs to let him face the music,” she said. German new magazine Der Spiegel has cited a number of cases in which Ackermann had allegedly protected paedophiles, including a priest who was a teacher at a boarding school and accused of having sexual relations for more than four years with a pupil.
The investigation also revealed two priests who worked in Ackermann’s diocese were convicted for possession of child pornography and were working as religious officials in hospitals. Brislin said he was unaware Ackermann had been accused of sweeping paedophilia in his diocese under the carpet."
Quelle: "thenewage.co.za", 08.04.2013
- In Aachen hieß es bereits im Juli 2010: Anonyme Hinweise wurden lange falsch eingeschätzt
"Schmitz gab als zuständiger Bistumsvertreter auf dem Podium zu, den Fall K. trotz anonymer Hinweise ab 2003 ("pastorale Saunagänge mit teils minderjährigen Ministranten") lange falsch eingeschätzt zu haben. Seinen Angaben zufolge hat er erst Anfang dieses Jahres (2010(!)), als ein ihm bekannter Vater vom Missbrauch eines mittlerweile erwachsenen Jungen am Niederrhein berichtete, das Ausmaß erkannt. "Ich bin vorher nicht davon ausgegangen, dass er hier im Bistum Aachen missbräuchlich tätig gewesen ist", sagte Pfarrer Schmitz. "Ich würde es heute anders machen, das ist mein persönliches Eingeständnis."
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